The astrological chart is the path of the soul, and when one knows astrology, one can follow the path of light.

Passion Astrology




My personal experience shows me that some of the events in our lives are defined at the moment of our birth or even before that. There are situations where our only possible choice is to accept what happened and move on. Or not to accept and allow in bitterness and resistance, sometimes for many years. In the greater number of situations of our lives, however, we have the ability to change our destiny through our personal actions and decisions. The Astrology chart is the matrix that lays out possible life lines on which we can go on and determine our development. The choice of respective lines depends on many factors some times even karmic, and yet it is precisely here where we have the opportunity to exercise our free will.

For me, astrology is one way to find a way through the chaos and uncertainty that is becoming more and more apparent. A tool to counteract fear and provide a little more faith and light in the process of continuous change.

I am also convinced that in order to be able to penetrate and see the possibilities embedded in the astral chart work is necessary to develop your consciousness. For years I have been dealing with various methods related to self-discovery and spiritual development, as well as various meditative techniques.

To me, astrological chart is the path of the soul, and when one knows astrology one can follow the path of light.

Know yourself, make your life easier, and just as the ocean is affected by the moon at full moon, so do we, as a small speck of dust from the universe, are drawn even more strongly by the sun, moon and all the planets.

Passion Astrology